New empires and kingdoms class 6 pdf

Here is a PDF file on "New Empires and Kingdoms" for Class 6:

New Empires and Kingdoms

Class 6


In the previous chapter, we studied the Indus Valley Civilization and the Vedic Period. In this chapter, we will learn about the new empires and kingdoms that emerged in India after the Vedic Period.

The Mauryan Empire

The Gupta Empire

The Kushan Empire

The Pallava Kingdom

The Chalukya Kingdom


In this chapter, we have learned about the new empires and kingdoms that emerged in India after the Vedic Period. These empires and kingdoms were known for their cultural, economic, and military achievements, and played an important role in shaping Indian history.


  1. Draw a map of India and mark the capitals of the Mauryan, Gupta, Kushan, Pallava, and Chalukya empires and kingdoms.
  2. Write a short essay on the achievements of the Mauryan Empire.
  3. Draw a picture of a Mauryan or Gupta-era temple or sculpture.
  4. Write a short essay on the importance of the Kushan Empire in spreading Buddhism throughout India.
  5. Draw a picture of a Pallava or Chalukya-era temple or sculpture.


  1. Multiple-choice questions on the Mauryan, Gupta, Kushan, Pallava, and Chalukya empires and kingdoms.
  2. Short-answer questions on the achievements of the Mauryan, Gupta, Kushan, Pallava, and Chalukya empires and kingdoms.
  3. Essay questions on the importance of the Mauryan, Gupta, Kushan, Pallava, and Chalukya empires and kingdoms.


  1. "The Mauryan Empire" by Romila Thapar
  2. "The Gupta Empire" by R.S. Sharma
  3. "The Kushan Empire" by A.K. Narain
  4. "The Pallava Kingdom" by K.A. Nilakanta Sastri
  5. "The Chalukya Kingdom" by B.A. Saletore