New electoral law in nigeria

Nigeria has recently introduced a new electoral law, known as the Electoral Act 2022, which aims to improve the country's electoral process and address some of the challenges that have plagued previous elections. Here are some key provisions of the new law:

  1. Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC): The law gives INEC more autonomy and independence, allowing it to make decisions without interference from the executive or legislative branches of government.
  2. Voter Registration: The law introduces a new voter registration process, which will be conducted using a biometric system to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the voters' register.
  3. Voter Education: The law requires INEC to conduct voter education and awareness campaigns to educate citizens on the electoral process and their rights and responsibilities.
  4. Electoral Offences: The law introduces new electoral offences, including the use of fake news, hate speech, and violence during elections. Those found guilty of these offences can face imprisonment and fines.
  5. Campaign Finance: The law introduces new regulations on campaign finance, including the requirement for political parties and candidates to disclose their sources of funding and expenditure.
  6. Electoral Tribunal: The law establishes an Electoral Tribunal to hear and determine electoral disputes and appeals.
  7. Voting System: The law introduces a new voting system, which will allow voters to cast their ballots using a biometric system.
  8. Polling Units: The law increases the number of polling units from 120,000 to 176,000, which is expected to reduce congestion and improve the voting process.
  9. Voter Verification: The law introduces a new voter verification process, which will allow voters to verify their registration status and check if their names are on the voters' register.
  10. Election Observation: The law allows for the observation of elections by local and international observers, which is expected to improve the transparency and credibility of the electoral process.
  11. Powers of INEC: The law gives INEC more powers to regulate the electoral process, including the power to disqualify candidates who fail to meet the requirements for nomination.
  12. Penalties: The law introduces penalties for electoral offenders, including imprisonment and fines.

Overall, the new electoral law aims to improve the transparency, credibility, and integrity of Nigeria's electoral process, and to reduce the incidence of electoral violence and fraud.