New edition hit me off download

You're looking to download the song "Hit Me Off" by New Edition!

Here are a few options to get the song:

  1. Streaming Services: You can stream "Hit Me Off" on popular music platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, or Google Play Music. Just search for the song and create an account if you don't already have one.
  2. Music Stores: You can purchase and download the song from online music stores like iTunes or Amazon Music. Simply search for the song, select the correct version (e.g., single, album, or remix), and click "Buy" or "Download".
  3. YouTube: You can also find the official audio or music video of "Hit Me Off" on YouTube. While you can't directly download the song from YouTube, you can use a video downloader extension or software to save the audio file.
  4. Rip or Convert: If you already have a physical copy of the album or a CD, you can rip the song to your computer or convert it to a digital format using software like Audacity or Freemake Audio Converter.

Remember to always ensure you're downloading from reputable sources and respecting the intellectual property rights of the artists and record labels.

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