New eco currency

A new eco-currency! That's an exciting idea. Here's a concept to get you started:

Name: Terra (Latin for "earth" or "land")

Purpose: Terra is a digital currency designed to promote sustainable living, reduce carbon footprint, and incentivize eco-friendly behaviors.

Key Features:

  1. Eco-Points System: Terra rewards users for engaging in environmentally friendly activities, such as:
    • Recycling (1 Terra per 1 kg of recyclable materials)
    • Using public transport or carpooling (1 Terra per 10 km traveled)
    • Reducing energy consumption (1 Terra per 10 kWh saved)
    • Planting trees or participating in reforestation efforts (1 Terra per tree planted)
  2. Carbon Offset: Terra allows users to offset their carbon emissions by investing in renewable energy projects or reforestation initiatives. For every 1 Terra spent, 1 kg of CO2 is offset.
  3. Sustainable Spending: Terra can be used to purchase eco-friendly products and services, such as:
    • Sustainable fashion items
    • Organic food
    • Energy-efficient appliances
    • Eco-tourism experiences
  4. Community Engagement: Terra fosters a sense of community by encouraging users to share their eco-friendly achievements and tips on a social platform.
  5. Partnerships: Terra partners with eco-friendly businesses, organizations, and governments to promote sustainable practices and offer exclusive discounts to Terra users.
  6. Decentralized and Secure: Terra is built on a blockchain platform, ensuring transparency, security, and immutability of transactions.


  1. Token Supply: 100 million Terra tokens (TERRA) will be created, with 20% reserved for the development team, 30% for early adopters, and 50% for public sale.
  2. Token Price: The initial token price will be set at $0.10, with a 10% discount for early adopters.
  3. Token Distribution: Tokens will be distributed through a combination of public sale, private sale, and airdrops.


  1. Q1 2023: Token creation and distribution
  2. Q2 2023: Development of the Terra platform and mobile app
  3. Q3 2023: Launch of the Terra platform and public sale
  4. Q4 2023: Integration with eco-friendly businesses and organizations
  5. 2024: Expansion to new markets and partnerships

Conclusion: Terra is a new eco-currency designed to promote sustainable living and reduce carbon footprint. By incentivizing eco-friendly behaviors and offering a secure and decentralized platform, Terra aims to become a leading eco-currency in the market.