New eccles hall school

New Eccles Hall School is a co-educational independent boarding and day school located in Old Buckenham, Norfolk, England. Here are some key facts about the school:

History: The school was founded in 1933 by the Reverend John Eccles, a former headmaster of a nearby school. The school was originally known as Eccles Hall School and was located in a large house called Eccles Hall.

Curriculum: New Eccles Hall School offers a broad curriculum to students aged 11-18, including GCSEs, A-levels, and BTECs. The school has a strong focus on academic achievement, as well as extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and drama.

Boarding: The school has a boarding community of around 120 students, with both weekly and full-time boarding options available. The boarding houses are led by experienced houseparents and offer a supportive and nurturing environment.

Facilities: The school has a range of modern facilities, including a sports centre, swimming pool, tennis courts, and a performing arts centre. The school also has a large playing field and a woodland area for outdoor activities.

Extracurricular activities: New Eccles Hall School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports teams, music ensembles, drama clubs, and outdoor pursuits such as hiking and kayaking.

Alumni: The school has a strong alumni network, with many former students going on to attend top universities and pursue successful careers.

Awards and recognition: New Eccles Hall School has received several awards and recognition for its academic achievements, including being named as one of the top 100 independent schools in the UK by The Sunday Times.

Admissions: The school accepts students from a range of backgrounds and has a rolling admissions policy. Prospective students are required to take an entrance exam and attend an interview with the headmaster.

Fees: The school's fees vary depending on the type of accommodation and the student's age. The school offers a range of financial assistance options, including bursaries and scholarships.

Overall, New Eccles Hall School is a well-regarded independent school that offers a supportive and challenging education to its students.