New eastern outlook

The "New Eastern Outlook" (NEO) is a Russian online newspaper that was founded in 2006. It is known for its critical views on Western politics and its advocacy for a multipolar world order.

The newspaper was founded by Konstantin Silayev, a Russian businessman and politician, and is headquartered in Moscow. NEO is considered to be a part of the Russian government's efforts to promote its interests and influence globally.

NEO's editorial stance is often described as nationalist, anti-Western, and anti-American. The newspaper frequently criticizes Western countries, particularly the United States, for what it sees as their aggressive foreign policy, interference in the internal affairs of other countries, and attempts to impose their values and culture on others.

NEO also advocates for a more multipolar world order, where multiple centers of power and influence exist, rather than a unipolar world dominated by the United States. The newspaper sees Russia as a key player in this new world order and advocates for greater cooperation between Russia and other countries, particularly in the BRICS grouping (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

NEO has been criticized for its biased and often inaccurate reporting, as well as its promotion of conspiracy theories and disinformation. The newspaper has also been accused of spreading anti-Western and anti-Semitic propaganda.

Despite these criticisms, NEO remains a popular and influential online newspaper in Russia and has a significant following among Russian-speaking audiences around the world.