New dollar bill

The new $100 bill!

The United States Treasury Department introduced a new design for the $100 bill in 2013, which features advanced security features to prevent counterfeiting. Here are some of the key changes:

  1. 3D Security Ribbon: A woven strip that runs along the left side of the bill, featuring images of 100s and Liberty Bells that shift and change as you tilt the bill.
  2. Bell in the Inkwell: A color-shifting Liberty Bell that appears to move from copper to green as you tilt the bill.
  3. Enhanced Security Thread: A thin strip that glows pink when held under ultraviolet (UV) light, featuring the words "USA 100" and a Liberty Bell.
  4. Color-Shifting 100: The numeral "100" in the lower right corner of the bill changes from copper to green when tilted.
  5. Portrait of Benjamin Franklin: The iconic portrait of Benjamin Franklin remains, but with a more detailed and lifelike design.
  6. Quill and Inkers: The quill and inkers from Franklin's time are now more prominent, with intricate details and shading.
  7. Security Features in the Border: The border of the bill features a pattern of 100s and Liberty Bells, which are woven together to create a sense of movement and depth.

These advanced security features make it more difficult for counterfeiters to create fake $100 bills, while also providing a more visually appealing and secure currency for the public.