New dictionary of biblical theology

A new dictionary of biblical theology! That sounds like an exciting project. Here's a potential outline for such a dictionary:

Title: The New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (NDBT)

Editor-in-Chief: [Name of editor, e.g., Dr. Mark L. Strauss]

Contributors: A team of biblical scholars from various denominations and institutions, including:

Scope: The NDBT will provide a comprehensive and authoritative treatment of biblical theology, covering the entire scope of the Bible, from creation to the eschaton. The dictionary will include:

Organization: The dictionary will be organized alphabetically, with entries ranging from 500 to 5,000 words in length. Each entry will include:


Target Audience: The NDBT is designed for:

Timeline: The project will take approximately 5-7 years to complete, with the following milestones:

Format: The NDBT will be published in print and digital formats, with the following options:

Pricing: The NDBT will be priced competitively with other reference works in the field, with the following options:

This is just a rough outline, but I hope it gives you an idea of what a new dictionary of biblical theology might look like!