New dg nysc nigeria

You're referring to the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria!

Here's some information on the new DG of NYSC:

Name: Brigadier General Mohammed Fadah

Date of Appointment: August 2022

Background: Brigadier General Mohammed Fadah is a seasoned military officer with a wealth of experience in leadership and administration. He has served in various capacities, including as a Commandant of the Nigerian Army School of Infantry and as a Director of Operations at the Nigerian Army Headquarters.

Priorities: As the new Director-General of NYSC, Brigadier General Fadah has outlined several priorities, including:

  1. Improved Service Year Experience: He aims to enhance the overall experience of corps members during their service year, focusing on their welfare, safety, and engagement.
  2. Enhanced Community Development: He plans to strengthen the NYSC's community development initiatives, promoting sustainable development and social cohesion across the country.
  3. Increased Efficiency: He has pledged to streamline processes and improve the efficiency of the NYSC, ensuring that the organization is better equipped to achieve its objectives.
  4. Youth Empowerment: He is committed to empowering Nigerian youths through skills acquisition, entrepreneurship, and leadership development programs.

Challenges: As the new DG, Brigadier General Fadah will face several challenges, including:

  1. Security Concerns: The NYSC has faced security challenges in the past, including kidnappings and attacks on corps members. He will need to prioritize the safety and security of corps members.
  2. Funding: The NYSC faces funding challenges, which can impact its ability to deliver its programs and services effectively.
  3. Corruption: Corruption remains a significant challenge in Nigeria, and the NYSC is not immune to it. He will need to ensure that the organization is transparent and accountable.

Overall, Brigadier General Mohammed Fadah's appointment as the new DG of NYSC brings a new perspective and set of skills to the organization. He will need to navigate the challenges facing the NYSC while implementing his priorities to make a positive impact on Nigerian youths and the country as a whole.