New deadpool game

A new Deadpool game? That's music to my ears!

There have been a few Deadpool games in the past, but none have quite lived up to the Merc with a Mouth's irreverent humor and chaotic gameplay. However, there have been rumors and hints about a new Deadpool game in development.

Here are a few tidbits to get you excited:

  1. Treyarch is rumored to be working on a new Deadpool game: In 2020, rumors surfaced that Treyarch, the developers of the Call of Duty series, were working on a new Deadpool game. While there hasn't been an official announcement, the rumor mill is still churning.
  2. Deadpool's developer, High Moon Studios, is no longer working on the franchise: High Moon Studios, the developers of the previous Deadpool games, are no longer involved with the franchise. This could mean a fresh start for the series, with a new developer bringing their own unique take on the character.
  3. Deadpool's creator, Rob Liefeld, is involved with the new game: Rob Liefeld, the co-creator of Deadpool, has been involved with the development of the new game. He's been sharing concept art and hints on social media, which has gotten fans excited.
  4. The game might be a third-person action-adventure game: Rumors suggest that the new Deadpool game could be a third-person action-adventure game, similar to the Uncharted series. This would be a departure from the previous Deadpool games, which were more focused on combat and humor.

While there's no official announcement or release date yet, the rumors and hints are certainly exciting. If you're a fan of Deadpool, keep an eye out for updates and get ready to join the Merc with a Mouth on his next adventure!

What do you think about the possibility of a new Deadpool game? Are you excited to see what the developers have in store?