New creation realities kenyon

You're referring to the teachings of E.W. Kenyon, a Christian minister and author who wrote extensively on the topic of faith and the power of the believer's words. Specifically, you're interested in his concept of "new creation realities."

In Kenyon's teachings, he emphasizes the idea that as believers, we have the power to create new realities in our lives through our words and faith. He draws heavily from biblical passages such as 2 Corinthians 5:17, which states, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

According to Kenyon, when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we become a new creation, and our old, sinful nature is replaced with a new, spiritual nature. This new creation is not just a spiritual reality, but a tangible, physical reality that can be experienced in our daily lives.

Kenyon teaches that as believers, we have the power to shape and mold this new creation reality through our words and thoughts. He emphasizes the importance of speaking words of faith and confession over our lives, and of aligning our thoughts and emotions with God's Word.

Some key principles of Kenyon's teachings on new creation realities include:

  1. The power of confession: Kenyon emphasizes the importance of speaking words of faith and confession over our lives, and of aligning our words with God's Word.
  2. The power of imagination: Kenyon teaches that our imagination is a powerful tool that can be used to shape and mold our new creation reality.
  3. The power of faith: Kenyon emphasizes the importance of having faith in God's Word and in His ability to bring about change in our lives.
  4. The power of the spoken word: Kenyon teaches that the spoken word has the power to shape and mold our reality, and that we should use our words to bring about change in our lives.

Some examples of how Kenyon's teachings on new creation realities might be applied in practical terms include:

It's important to note that while Kenyon's teachings on new creation realities can be powerful and inspiring, they should be approached with a balanced and biblical perspective. Some critics have accused Kenyon's teachings of being too focused on the power of the individual and not enough on the sovereignty of God. Additionally, some have criticized Kenyon's teachings for being too simplistic and not taking into account the complexities of human nature and the challenges of living in a fallen world.

Ultimately, the key to applying Kenyon's teachings on new creation realities is to approach them with a humble and teachable heart, and to always seek to align them with God's Word and His will for our lives.