New creation realities ew kenyon

A fascinating topic! Kenneth E. Hagin, not E.W. Kenyon, was a prominent Christian minister and teacher who emphasized the importance of faith and the power of God's Word. He wrote extensively on the topic of creation realities, which refers to the idea that God's Word has the power to create and shape our reality. Here are some key points on new creation realities:

What are creation realities?

Creation realities refer to the idea that God's Word has the power to create and shape our reality. This concept is based on the biblical principle that God spoke the universe into existence (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, etc.). Hagin believed that God's Word has the same creative power today, and that we can use it to shape our lives, circumstances, and reality.

How do creation realities work?

According to Hagin, creation realities work by aligning our thoughts, words, and actions with God's Word. When we speak God's Word, we are releasing the creative power of God into our lives. This power can bring about change, healing, deliverance, and transformation.

Key principles:

  1. Faith: We must have faith in God's Word and its ability to create and shape our reality.
  2. Confession: We must confess God's Word, speaking it out loud and aligning our thoughts and words with His promises.
  3. Agreement: We must agree with God's Word, accepting it as true and applicable to our lives.
  4. Obedience: We must obey God's Word, taking action in accordance with His principles and promises.

Examples of creation realities:

  1. Healing: We can use God's Word to create healing in our bodies, aligning our thoughts and words with His promises of health and wholeness.
  2. Prosperity: We can use God's Word to create prosperity in our lives, aligning our thoughts and words with His promises of abundance and provision.
  3. Deliverance: We can use God's Word to create deliverance from bondage, aligning our thoughts and words with His promises of freedom and liberation.

Criticisms and controversies:

While Hagin's teachings on creation realities have been influential and inspiring to many, some critics have raised concerns about the potential for misinterpretation and abuse. Some have argued that Hagin's emphasis on the power of positive confession and the importance of aligning our thoughts and words with God's Word can lead to a form of "name-it-and-claim-it" theology, which can be misleading and even heretical.


Kenneth E. Hagin's teachings on creation realities emphasize the importance of faith, confession, agreement, and obedience in aligning our lives with God's Word. While some critics have raised concerns about the potential for misinterpretation and abuse, many have found his teachings to be inspiring and life-changing. Ultimately, it is important to approach these teachings with a balanced and biblical perspective, recognizing the importance of humility, discernment, and a deep understanding of God's Word.