New creation church i see grace

New Creation Church (NCC) is a popular Christian church based in Singapore, founded by Pastor Joseph Prince in 1983. The church has grown significantly over the years and now has a global presence with branches in several countries.

The church's mission is to "empower people to live their best lives in God" and to "make a difference in the world". They achieve this through various ministries, including worship services, Bible studies, outreach programs, and community services.

One of the distinctive features of NCC is its emphasis on the "grace" message, which is the focus of your question. Pastor Joseph Prince is known for his teachings on the topic of grace, which he believes is the foundation of the Christian faith. He emphasizes that God's grace is not just a means of salvation, but also a way of living that brings freedom, joy, and fulfillment to believers.

In NCC, you can expect to experience a lively and contemporary worship service, with a mix of traditional and modern music. The sermons are usually preached by Pastor Joseph Prince or other senior pastors, and they often focus on practical applications of biblical principles to everyday life.

Some of the key values that NCC emphasizes include:

  1. The importance of grace: As mentioned earlier, NCC places a strong emphasis on the message of grace, which is seen as the foundation of the Christian faith.
  2. The authority of the Bible: NCC believes that the Bible is the inspired word of God and the ultimate authority for Christian living.
  3. The power of prayer: NCC places a strong emphasis on the importance of prayer in the life of a believer, and encourages members to pray regularly and fervently.
  4. The importance of community: NCC believes that the church is a community of believers who are called to support and encourage one another in their walk with God.

Overall, New Creation Church is a vibrant and dynamic church that is passionate about sharing the message of grace and empowering people to live their best lives in God.