New construction termite treatment

Here are some common new construction termite treatment methods:

  1. Soil Treatment: This is the most common method of termite treatment in new construction. A termiticide is applied to the soil around the foundation of the home, creating a barrier that prevents termites from entering the structure.
  2. Baiting Systems: This method involves placing bait stations around the perimeter of the home, which contain a toxic substance that is transferred to the termites when they feed on the bait.
  3. Liquid Treatment: This method involves applying a liquid termiticide to the soil and/or wood components of the home, such as the foundation, walls, and floors.
  4. Foam Treatment: This method involves applying a foam termiticide to the soil and/or wood components of the home, which expands to fill any gaps or voids.
  5. Drill-and-Treat: This method involves drilling holes in the soil and applying a termiticide to the soil and any surrounding wood components.
  6. Termite-Resistant Materials: Some builders use termite-resistant materials, such as treated wood or composite materials, to reduce the risk of termite infestation.
  7. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): This method involves using a combination of techniques, such as baiting, soil treatment, and monitoring, to manage termite populations and prevent infestations.

Some popular termiticides used in new construction termite treatment include:

  1. Fipronil: A common soil treatment termiticide that is effective against a wide range of termite species.
  2. Bifenthrin: A common liquid termiticide that is effective against a wide range of termite species.
  3. Imidacloprid: A common soil treatment termiticide that is effective against a wide range of termite species.
  4. Hydramethylnon: A common bait station termiticide that is effective against a wide range of termite species.

It's important to note that the specific termite treatment method and termiticide used will depend on the location, climate, and type of construction, as well as local building codes and regulations. It's always best to consult with a pest control professional or builder to determine the best termite treatment method for your specific situation.