New construction custom homes

New construction custom homes are homes that are built from the ground up, tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the homeowner. Here are some benefits and considerations to keep in mind:


  1. Customization: With new construction, you can design and build your home exactly how you want it, with the features and amenities you need.
  2. Energy efficiency: New homes are built with modern energy-efficient features, such as insulation, windows, and appliances, which can save you money on utility bills.
  3. Low maintenance: New homes typically require less maintenance than older homes, as they are built with modern materials and systems.
  4. Warranty: New construction homes usually come with a warranty, which covers repairs and replacements for a certain period of time.
  5. Modern amenities: New homes often feature modern amenities, such as smart home technology, high-speed internet, and advanced security systems.


  1. Cost: Building a custom home can be expensive, with prices ranging from $200 to $500 per square foot or more, depending on the location, materials, and features.
  2. Time: Building a custom home can take several months to a year or more, depending on the complexity of the design and the availability of labor and materials.
  3. Permits and inspections: Building a custom home requires obtaining permits and passing inspections, which can add to the overall cost and timeline.
  4. Design and planning: Building a custom home requires careful planning and design, which can be a time-consuming and overwhelming process.
  5. Location: The location of the home can impact the cost, availability of labor and materials, and overall quality of the build.

Types of new construction custom homes:

  1. Production homes: These are homes built by a production builder, who offers a range of floor plans and features, but may not allow for significant customization.
  2. Custom homes: These are homes built by a custom builder, who works with the homeowner to design and build a unique home that meets their specific needs and preferences.
  3. Spec homes: These are homes built by a builder, who offers a range of floor plans and features, but may not allow for significant customization.
  4. Modular homes: These are homes built in a factory and assembled on-site, which can be a more affordable and efficient option.

Things to consider when building a new construction custom home:

  1. Budget: Determine your budget and stick to it to avoid overspending.
  2. Design: Work with an architect or designer to create a design that meets your needs and preferences.
  3. Builder: Research and interview multiple builders to find the right one for your project.
  4. Permits and inspections: Ensure that you obtain all necessary permits and pass inspections to avoid delays and penalties.
  5. Timeline: Establish a realistic timeline for the build process and plan accordingly.
  6. Warranty: Understand the warranty offered by the builder and what is covered.
  7. Resale value: Consider the resale value of the home and how it may impact your decision to build.

Overall, building a new construction custom home can be a rewarding and exciting experience, but it requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail to ensure a successful outcome.