New concept english 3 online

Here's a new concept for an English 3 online course:

Course Title: "Exploring Global Perspectives: English 3 Online"

Course Description:

In this online English 3 course, students will delve into the world of global perspectives, exploring the ways in which language and culture intersect. Through a variety of engaging online activities, discussions, and multimedia resources, students will develop their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills while examining the complexities of global issues, cultural differences, and personal perspectives.

Course Objectives:

  1. Analyze and interpret literary and informational texts from diverse global perspectives.
  2. Develop effective writing and speaking skills to communicate complex ideas and opinions.
  3. Cultivate critical thinking and problem-solving skills to navigate global issues and cultural differences.
  4. Engage in online discussions and collaborations to build a global community of learners.
  5. Reflect on personal perspectives and biases, and develop empathy and understanding for diverse viewpoints.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Global Perspectives

Module 2: Literary Explorations

Module 3: Global Issues and Cultural Differences

Module 4: Personal Perspectives and Biases


Technology and Tools:

Target Audience:




This is just a sample concept, and you can modify it to fit your specific needs and goals. Good luck with your online English 3 course!