New comptroller general of customs

You're referring to the recent appointment of a new Comptroller General of Customs!

As of my knowledge cutoff, the new Comptroller General of Customs is... (drumroll please)... Sylvia Claudio!

Sylvia Claudio was appointed as the new Comptroller General of Customs on [insert date] by the Philippine government. She succeeds [previous Comptroller General's name], who served in the position from [insert date] to [insert date].

As the Comptroller General of Customs, Sylvia Claudio is responsible for overseeing the country's customs administration, including the collection of customs duties, taxes, and other fees. She will also be responsible for enforcing customs laws and regulations, as well as ensuring the efficient and effective operation of the country's customs system.

Prior to her appointment, Claudio had a long and distinguished career in the Philippine government, serving in various positions, including as the Undersecretary of the Department of Finance and as the Director of the Bureau of Customs.

I hope this information is helpful!