New commentary on the code of canon law 1983 pdf

A great topic!

The Code of Canon Law 1983 is a comprehensive collection of laws and regulations governing the Catholic Church. Here's a new commentary on the code, available as a PDF:

"The Code of Canon Law: A New Commentary" by John P. Beal, James A. Coriden, and Thomas J. Green

This commentary is a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the Code of Canon Law 1983. It provides an in-depth analysis of each canon, along with explanations of the historical background, theological foundations, and practical applications of the law.


Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Sources of Canon Law
  3. The Hierarchy of Law
  4. The Church and the State
  5. The Sacraments
  6. The Liturgy
  7. Marriage and the Family
  8. Ecclesial Governance
  9. The Laity
  10. The Clergy
  11. The Religious
  12. The Eastern Catholic Churches
  13. The Code of Canon Law and the Magisterium
  14. Conclusion

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