New comedy video

Here's a new comedy video idea:

Title: "The Overly-Honest Job Interview"

Premise: A job candidate (played by a comedian) is interviewing for a job at a company, but instead of giving the usual rehearsed answers, they decide to be brutally honest about their qualifications, work ethic, and personal habits.


[Scene: A job interview. The candidate, a young adult, is sitting across from the interviewer, a straight-laced corporate type.]

Candidate: So, what's the job I'm applying for again?

Interviewer: You're applying for the marketing position.

Candidate: Oh, great. Because I'm really good at making memes and eating Cheetos.

Interviewer: (taken aback) Uh, that's...not exactly what we're looking for.

Candidate: Yeah, I know. But hey, I'm a quick learner. And by "quick learner," I mean I can learn to do the bare minimum in like, an hour.

Interviewer: (skeptical) I see. And what makes you think you're qualified for this position?

Candidate: Well, I have a degree in "whatever" from a college that's not too prestigious. And I've been working at my parents' house for the past year, doing "research" on the internet.

Interviewer: (unimpressed) I'm not sure that's relevant.

Candidate: Oh, it's totally relevant. Because I've learned that the key to success is being able to nap at your desk and eat a whole pizza by yourself in one sitting.

Interviewer: (stunned) I...I think we'll be in touch soon.

Candidate: Yeah, probably to tell me I didn't get the job. But hey, at least I tried, right?

[Scene: The candidate leaves the interview, whistling a happy tune.]


I hope you find this idea funny and entertaining!