New college oxford

New College Oxford!

New College, officially known as Harris Manchester College, is a constituent college of the University of Oxford. It is one of the largest and most prestigious colleges in Oxford, with a rich history dating back to 1379.

Here are some interesting facts about New College Oxford:

  1. Founding: New College was founded in 1379 by William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, as a men's college. It was originally called "New College of the Unincorporated University of Oxford".
  2. Name change: In 1888, the college was renamed Harris Manchester College in honor of John Harris, a wealthy benefactor, and Dr. John Manchester, a former Principal of the college.
  3. Women's college: In 1986, Harris Manchester College became the first Oxford college to admit women as full members, after previously being a men's college for over 600 years.
  4. Architecture: The college's iconic chapel, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, is one of the most beautiful in Oxford. The college's main quadrangle is also a stunning example of medieval architecture.
  5. Famous alumni: New College has produced many notable alumni, including 25 British Prime Ministers, 12 Archbishops of Canterbury, and several Nobel laureates.
  6. Academic reputation: New College is known for its academic excellence, with a strong focus on the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
  7. Student life: The college has a lively student community, with over 400 students from around the world. Students can enjoy a range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, and drama.
  8. Location: New College is located in the heart of Oxford, within walking distance of the city's famous landmarks, including the Ashmolean Museum and the Bodleian Library.

Overall, New College Oxford is a world-renowned institution that offers an exceptional academic experience, stunning architecture, and a vibrant student community.