New coffee

A new coffee! Exciting!

What kind of coffee are you in the mood for? Do you have a favorite roast level, flavor profile, or brewing method in mind?

Here are some popular coffee options to consider:

  1. Light roast: Bright, acidic, and fruity, with notes of citrus and floral.
  2. Dark roast: Rich, bold, and smoky, with notes of chocolate and caramel.
  3. Espresso: Strong, concentrated, and intense, with a thick crema.
  4. Cold brew: Smooth, low-acidity, and sweet, with a refreshing flavor.
  5. Flavored coffee: Infused with natural or artificial flavors, such as vanilla, hazelnut, or caramel.
  6. Single-origin: Highlighting the unique characteristics of a specific coffee bean origin, such as Ethiopian or Colombian.
  7. Blend: A mix of different coffee beans, often combining the best of multiple origins.

Which one of these options sounds appealing to you, or do you have something else in mind?