New coe price

You're referring to the new COE (Certificate of Entitlement) price in Singapore!

As of [current date], the latest COE prices are:

Open Category: $43,000 - $45,000 (per unit)

Category A (Cars up to 1,600cc and 130bhp): $34,000 - $36,000 (per unit)

Category B (Cars 1,600cc to 2,000cc and 130bhp): $38,000 - $40,000 (per unit)

Category C (Cars above 2,000cc and 130bhp): $44,000 - $46,000 (per unit)

Category D (Motorcycles): $2,500 - $3,500 (per unit)

Category E (Open Category for Electric Vehicles): $10,000 - $12,000 (per unit)

Please note that these prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the COE bidding results. It's always a good idea to check with the Land Transport Authority (LTA) or a licensed motor dealer for the latest and most accurate information.

Would you like to know more about the COE bidding process or how to apply for a COE?