New clippers pulling hair

The new Clippers pulling hair issue!

It's frustrating when a new product doesn't live up to expectations, especially when it comes to personal grooming tools like clippers. The good news is that there are a few possible reasons why your new Clippers might be pulling hair, and some solutions to help you get the best results.

Possible reasons:

  1. Incorrect usage: Make sure you're using the clippers correctly. Check the manual or online tutorials to ensure you're holding the clippers at the right angle and moving them in the correct direction.
  2. Incorrect blade setting: If the blade is set too high, it can cause the clippers to pull hair. Try adjusting the blade setting to a lower number to see if that resolves the issue.
  3. Dirty or clogged blades: Hair, oil, and other debris can accumulate on the blades, causing them to pull hair. Clean the blades regularly with a soft cloth or brush to remove any debris.
  4. Incorrect hair type: Clippers are designed for specific hair types. If you have very coarse or curly hair, you may need to use a different type of clipper or adjust your technique.
  5. Worn-out or damaged blades: If the blades are old or damaged, they may not be cutting hair effectively, leading to pulling. Consider replacing the blades or the entire clipper if they're no longer performing well.


  1. Use a comb attachment: Attach a comb to the clippers to help guide the hair and reduce pulling.
  2. Use a clipper oil: Apply a small amount of clipper oil to the blades to keep them running smoothly and reduce pulling.
  3. Take smaller sections: Divide your hair into smaller sections and clip them individually to reduce the amount of hair being cut at once.
  4. Use a slower pace: Move the clippers at a slower pace to give the blades time to cut the hair effectively, reducing pulling.
  5. Consider a different clipper: If you've tried the above solutions and the clippers are still pulling hair, it may be time to consider a different brand or model.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions and take your time when using clippers to avoid any discomfort or injury.