New christmas dance

A new Christmas dance! Let's create one together!

Here's a rough outline to get us started:

Name: "Jingle Sparkle"

Music: Upbeat, energetic Christmas song with a tempo around 120-130 BPM (e.g., "All I Want for Christmas Is You" by Mariah Carey or "Last Christmas" by Wham!)

Basic Steps:

  1. The Jingle: Start with your feet together, with your weight evenly distributed between both feet. Take a small step to the side with your left foot (for the leader) or right foot (for the follower). As you step, swing your opposite arm across your body, keeping it relaxed and loose. The arm movement should be smooth and fluid, like you're swishing a scarf.
  2. The Sparkle: Bring your stepping foot back to the starting position, while simultaneously raising your opposite arm up and out to the side. Your arm should be bent at a 90-degree angle, with your hand in a loose fist. Hold for a beat, then lower your arm back down to the starting position.
  3. Repeat and Add Some Flair: Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times, adding in some flair by:
    • Tapping your toes or heels on the floor as you step.
    • Adding in some hip swivels or body rolls.
    • Waving your free arm in the air or using it to guide your partner.
    • Incorporating some festive gestures, like making a "snowflake" shape with your hands or pretending to hold a candy cane.

Variations and Add-Ons:

Tips and Tricks:

Now, let's practice and make this dance our own!