New chief imam of lagos

You're referring to the new Chief Imam of Lagos State, Nigeria!

According to recent reports, the new Chief Imam of Lagos State is Dr. Abdulganiyy Abubakr, who was appointed by the Lagos State Government in August 2022. Dr. Abubakr is a renowned Islamic scholar and cleric who has served as the Imam of the Central Mosque in Lagos State for many years.

As the Chief Imam of Lagos State, Dr. Abubakr is responsible for leading the Islamic community in the state, promoting peace, unity, and harmony among Muslims and non-Muslims, and providing spiritual guidance to the people of Lagos.

Dr. Abubakr has a strong background in Islamic studies and has written several books on Islamic theology and jurisprudence. He is also a respected figure in the Nigerian Islamic community and has been involved in various interfaith initiatives and dialogues.

Under his leadership, the Lagos State Muslim community is expected to continue to thrive and grow, and to play a positive role in promoting peace, tolerance, and understanding in the state and beyond.