New cbn fx policy

You're referring to the new foreign exchange (FX) policy introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)!

On June 20, 2022, the CBN announced a new FX policy aimed at addressing the challenges in the foreign exchange market and promoting economic growth. Here are the key highlights:

New FX Policy Objectives:

  1. Stabilize the Naira: To maintain a stable exchange rate and reduce volatility.
  2. Increase FX Supply: To increase the availability of FX for legitimate transactions.
  3. Promote Economic Growth: To support economic growth by encouraging investment, trade, and job creation.

Key Components:

  1. Multiple Exchange Rate Regime: The CBN will maintain a multiple exchange rate regime, with different rates for different transactions.
  2. Official Exchange Rate: The official exchange rate will be fixed at N410 per dollar.
  3. Interbank Market: The interbank market will be the primary platform for FX transactions.
  4. Wholesale Market: A wholesale market will be established to provide FX at a competitive rate for large transactions.
  5. Retail Market: A retail market will be maintained for small transactions, with a maximum limit of $10,000 per transaction.
  6. FX Allocation: The CBN will allocate FX to banks, which will then sell it to customers at the official exchange rate.
  7. FX Restrictions: Restrictions will be placed on FX transactions, including limits on cash withdrawals and restrictions on the use of FX for certain transactions.


The new FX policy is expected to:

  1. Stabilize the Naira: By increasing FX supply and reducing volatility.
  2. Increase Investment: By providing a more stable and competitive FX environment.
  3. Promote Trade: By reducing the cost of imports and encouraging trade.
  4. Create Jobs: By supporting economic growth and investment.

However, the policy has also raised concerns about:

  1. Inflation: The increased supply of FX could lead to inflationary pressures.
  2. Currency Devaluation: The multiple exchange rate regime could lead to currency devaluation.
  3. Market Volatility: The policy could lead to market volatility and uncertainty.

Overall, the new FX policy aims to address the challenges in the foreign exchange market and promote economic growth in Nigeria. However, its effectiveness will depend on its implementation and the ability of the CBN to manage the FX market effectively.