New business survey questions

Here are some sample survey questions that you can use to gather information about a new business:


  1. What is your age range?
    • 18-24
    • 25-34
    • 35-44
    • 45-54
    • 55-64
    • 65 or older
  2. What is your gender?
    • Male
    • Female
    • Non-binary
  3. What is your occupation?
    • Student
    • Employee
    • Entrepreneur
    • Retiree
    • Other (please specify)
  4. What is your annual household income?
    • Less than $25,000
    • $25,000-$49,999
    • $50,000-$74,999
    • $75,000-$99,999
    • $100,000 or more

Business Information

  1. What type of business are you interested in starting?
    • Online business
    • Brick-and-mortar business
    • Service-based business
    • Product-based business
    • Other (please specify)
  2. What industry or sector are you interested in?
    • Technology
    • Healthcare
    • Finance
    • Retail
    • Food and beverage
    • Other (please specify)
  3. What is your business idea or concept?
    • (Open-ended text field)
  4. What is your target market or customer base?
    • Local
    • Regional
    • National
    • International
    • Other (please specify)

Goals and Objectives

  1. What are your primary goals for starting a business?
    • Financial independence
    • Pursue a passion or interest
    • Create a work-life balance
    • Build a legacy
    • Other (please specify)
  2. What are your short-term goals for the business (next 6-12 months)?
    • Develop a business plan
    • Secure funding
    • Launch a product or service
    • Build a team
    • Other (please specify)
  3. What are your long-term goals for the business (next 1-3 years)?
    • Expand operations
    • Increase revenue
    • Build a strong brand
    • Create a sustainable business model
    • Other (please specify)

Challenges and Concerns

  1. What are the biggest challenges you face in starting a business?
    • Financial constraints
    • Lack of experience
    • Competition
    • Regulatory hurdles
    • Other (please specify)
  2. What are your biggest concerns about starting a business?
    • Risk of failure
    • Time commitment
    • Financial uncertainty
    • Balancing work and personal life
    • Other (please specify)

Support and Resources

  1. What resources do you currently use to learn about starting a business?
    • Online courses or tutorials
    • Business books or articles
    • Networking events or conferences
    • Mentorship or coaching
    • Other (please specify)
  2. What types of support or resources would you like to see available to help you start a business?
    • Business plan templates
    • Financial planning tools
    • Marketing and advertising guidance
    • Networking opportunities
    • Other (please specify)

Additional Questions

  1. Do you have any other comments or feedback about starting a business?
    • (Open-ended text field)
  2. Would you be interested in participating in a focus group or one-on-one interview to discuss your business ideas and goals?
    • Yes
    • No

Remember to tailor your survey questions to your specific goals and objectives, and make sure they are clear and concise. You may also want to consider using multiple-choice questions, rating scales, and open-ended text fields to gather a variety of responses.