New business presentation template

Here is a general outline for a new business presentation template:

Title Slide

Executive Summary

Problem Statement

Solution Overview

Market Opportunity

Competitive Advantage

Business Model

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Operations and Management

Financial Projections



Here is a sample outline for a new business presentation template in a more detailed format:

Slide 1: Title Slide

Slide 2-3: Executive Summary

Slide 4-5: Problem Statement

Slide 6-7: Solution Overview

Slide 8-9: Market Opportunity

Slide 10-11: Competitive Advantage

Slide 12-13: Business Model

Slide 14-15: Marketing and Sales Strategy

Slide 16-17: Operations and Management

Slide 18-19: Financial Projections

Slide 20: Conclusion

Slide 21-22: Appendix

Note: This is just a sample outline and you may need to adjust it based on your specific business and presentation needs.