New build vs old house

The age-old debate! Here's a balanced comparison between new builds and old houses:

New Builds:


  1. Modern amenities: New builds often come with the latest technology, energy-efficient appliances, and modern fixtures.
  2. Low maintenance: New homes require less maintenance, as they're built with newer materials and systems that are less prone to breakdowns.
  3. Customization: You can often choose the design, layout, and features of a new build to suit your preferences.
  4. Energy efficiency: New homes are designed to be more energy-efficient, with features like insulation, double-glazed windows, and solar panels.
  5. Warranty: New builds usually come with a warranty, covering repairs and replacements for a certain period.


  1. Higher cost: New builds are often more expensive than old houses, especially if you're looking for a high-end property.
  2. Less character: Some people might find new builds lacking in character, as they may not have the same historical charm as older homes.
  3. Potential for defects: While new builds are built to code, there's still a risk of defects or issues that may arise during the construction process.

Old Houses:


  1. Character and charm: Old houses often have a unique character and charm that can't be replicated in new builds.
  2. History and nostalgia: You can own a piece of history and experience the nostalgia of living in a home that's been around for decades.
  3. Potential for renovation: Old houses can be renovated to suit your tastes, allowing you to put your own stamp on the property.
  4. Sense of community: Older neighborhoods often have a strong sense of community, with long-time residents and a established neighborhood feel.
  5. Potential for lower cost: Depending on the location and condition of the property, old houses can be more affordable than new builds.


  1. Higher maintenance: Old houses often require more maintenance, as older systems and materials may need to be repaired or replaced.
  2. Potential for hidden costs: Old houses can have hidden costs, such as structural issues, outdated electrical or plumbing systems, or asbestos.
  3. Limited modern amenities: Older homes may not have the same level of modern amenities as new builds, such as energy-efficient appliances or smart home features.
  4. Zoning restrictions: Older neighborhoods may have zoning restrictions that limit renovations or additions to the property.
  5. Potential for pests or damage: Old houses can be more prone to pest infestations or damage from water, mold, or other issues.

Ultimately, the decision between a new build and an old house depends on your personal preferences, budget, and priorities. Consider factors like your lifestyle, budget, and what you're looking for in a home before making a decision.