New build cleaning services

Congratulations on your new build! Cleaning your new home or office space is an essential step to ensure it's safe, hygienic, and ready for occupancy. Here are some new build cleaning services you may need:

  1. Pre-Construction Cleaning: This service involves cleaning the construction site before the final inspection to remove debris, dust, and dirt.
  2. Post-Construction Cleaning: This service focuses on cleaning the newly built space, including walls, floors, windows, and fixtures, to remove construction residue and dust.
  3. Deep Cleaning: A thorough cleaning of the entire property, including high-touch areas, carpets, and upholstery, to remove dirt, grime, and allergens.
  4. Specialized Cleaning: Depending on the type of construction, you may need specialized cleaning services, such as:
    • Glass and Mirror Cleaning: Cleaning glass surfaces, including windows, mirrors, and shower doors.
    • Upholstery and Carpet Cleaning: Cleaning furniture, carpets, and rugs to remove dirt, stains, and odors.
    • Tile and Grout Cleaning: Cleaning tile floors, walls, and grout lines to remove dirt, grime, and soap scum.
    • Appliance Cleaning: Cleaning appliances, such as refrigerators, ovens, and dishwashers, to remove food residue and stains.
  5. Disinfection and Sanitizing: Disinfecting high-touch areas, such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops, to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria.
  6. Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning: Cleaning the property before or after a move-in or move-out to ensure it's clean and ready for occupancy.
  7. Regular Maintenance Cleaning: Scheduling regular cleaning services to maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of your new build.

When hiring a cleaning service for your new build, make sure to:

  1. Check their reputation and reviews.
  2. Verify their insurance and licenses.
  3. Ask about their cleaning products and equipment.
  4. Discuss your specific cleaning needs and requirements.
  5. Get a written estimate and contract.

Remember to also take care of any necessary repairs or touch-ups before moving in to ensure your new build is safe and comfortable.