New brunswick to vancouver

A cross-country trip from New Brunswick to Vancouver!

Here's a rough estimate of the distance and travel time:

Here's a suggested route:

Day 1: New Brunswick to Winnipeg, Manitoba

Day 2: Winnipeg, Manitoba to Regina, Saskatchewan

Day 3: Regina, Saskatchewan to Calgary, Alberta

Day 4: Calgary, Alberta to Kamloops, British Columbia

Day 5: Kamloops, British Columbia to Vancouver, British Columbia

Alternatively, you could take a more scenic route, such as the Yellowhead Highway (Hwy 16) through the Canadian Rockies, which would add a few hours to your journey.

Keep in mind that this is just a rough estimate, and you should check for any road closures or construction before embarking on your trip. Additionally, you may want to consider stopping at some of the amazing national parks and attractions along the way, such as Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, and Lake Louise.

Safe travels!