New brunswick community college moncton

New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) Moncton is a campus of the New Brunswick Community College system, which is a public college system in the Canadian province of New Brunswick. Here are some key facts about NBCC Moncton:

Location: The campus is located in Moncton, New Brunswick, which is the largest city in the province and is situated in the southeastern part of the province.

Programs and Courses: NBCC Moncton offers a wide range of programs and courses in various fields, including:

Diploma and Degree Programs: NBCC Moncton offers diploma and degree programs in various fields, including:

Apprenticeships and Certificates: NBCC Moncton also offers apprenticeships and certificates in various fields, including:

Facilities and Services: The campus has modern facilities and services, including:

Admissions and Registration: To apply to NBCC Moncton, students must submit an application, provide transcripts and other required documents, and meet the admission requirements for their chosen program.

Tuition and Fees: Tuition and fees at NBCC Moncton vary depending on the program and student status. International students may also need to pay additional fees.

Campus Life: NBCC Moncton has a vibrant campus life, with various student clubs and organizations, sports teams, and cultural events.

Accreditation: NBCC Moncton is accredited by the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, and is a member of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges.