New brunswick community college

New Brunswick Community College (NBCC) is a public college in New Brunswick, Canada. Here are some key facts about NBCC:

History: NBCC was established in 1973 as a result of the amalgamation of several community colleges in the province.

Campuses: NBCC has six campuses located throughout New Brunswick:

  1. Saint John Campus (Saint John)
  2. Fredericton Campus (Fredericton)
  3. Moncton Campus (Moncton)
  4. Miramichi Campus (Miramichi)
  5. Bathurst Campus (Bathurst)
  6. Woodstock Campus (Woodstock)

Programs and Courses: NBCC offers a wide range of programs and courses in various fields, including:

Diploma and Degree Programs: NBCC offers diploma and degree programs in various fields, including:

Apprenticeships and Co-op Programs: NBCC offers apprenticeship and co-op programs in various fields, including:

International Students: NBCC welcomes international students and offers various programs and services to support their academic and personal success.

Accreditation: NBCC is accredited by the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour, and is a member of the Association of Canadian Community Colleges.

Student Life: NBCC has a range of student services and activities to support student life, including:

Employment Opportunities: NBCC has strong ties with local employers and industries, and many graduates go on to work in their field of study.