New bruce wayne actor

Exciting news! There have been rumors circulating about a new actor taking on the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman in the DC Extended Universe (DCEU). Here are some of the top contenders:

  1. Robert Pattinson: The "Twilight" star has been the most heavily rumored candidate to play Bruce Wayne/Batman. He's already been cast in the role and is set to star in the upcoming "The Batman" film, directed by Matt Reeves.
  2. Armie Hammer: Hammer was previously attached to play Batman in a solo film, but it never came to fruition. However, he's still a fan favorite to take on the role, and there's been speculation that he might be reconsidered for the part.
  3. Jon Hamm: The "Mad Men" star has been mentioned as a potential Batman candidate, thanks to his rugged good looks and acting chops. While there's no official confirmation, Hamm has expressed interest in playing the character.
  4. Michael B. Jordan: Jordan has been a fan favorite to play a black Batman, and he's already proven his action hero credentials in films like "Black Panther" and "Creed." While there's no official word on him playing Batman, he's definitely a strong contender.
  5. Anson Boon: Boon is a relatively unknown actor, but he's been rumored to be in the running for the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. He's got the looks and the acting skills to pull off the character, but it's unclear if he's actually been cast.

Who do you think would make a great Bruce Wayne/Batman?