New born jesus images

Here are some beautiful and iconic images of the newborn Jesus:

  1. The Nativity Scene: A classic depiction of the birth of Jesus, often featuring Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus in a manger, surrounded by animals and angels.
  2. The Adoration of the Shepherds: An image of the shepherds visiting the manger, often with Mary and Joseph, to pay homage to the newborn Jesus.
  3. The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple: A scene from the Gospel of Luke, where Mary and Joseph present Jesus at the Temple in Jerusalem, as required by Jewish law.
  4. The Flight into Egypt: An image of Mary, Joseph, and the baby Jesus fleeing to Egypt to escape King Herod's massacre of the innocents.
  5. The Holy Family: A depiction of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus together, often in a domestic setting, emphasizing their family bond.
  6. The Manger Scene: A simple and intimate image of the baby Jesus in a manger, often surrounded by Mary, Joseph, and the animals.
  7. The Angelic Announcement: An image of the angel Gabriel announcing the birth of Jesus to Mary, often with a halo and a gentle smile.
  8. The Star of Bethlehem: A depiction of the star that guided the Magi to Bethlehem, often shining brightly in the night sky.
  9. The Three Wise Men: An image of the Magi, also known as the Three Wise Men, visiting the baby Jesus, often bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  10. The Swaddling Clothes: An image of the baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes, often with a gentle, peaceful expression.

These images are often used in Christian art, literature, and devotional practices to commemorate the birth of Jesus and to reflect on the significance of his life and teachings.

Here are some famous artworks that depict the newborn Jesus:

  1. The Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence by Giotto (1304-1305)
  2. The Adoration of the Magi by Sandro Botticelli (1475-1476)
  3. The Nativity by Leonardo da Vinci (1481-1482)
  4. The Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and John the Baptist by Raphael (1518-1520)
  5. The Nativity by Rembrandt van Rijn (1644)

These artworks are just a few examples of the many beautiful and iconic images of the newborn Jesus that have been created over the centuries.