New born foto

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Here are some tips for taking great newborn photos:


  1. Timing: Schedule the photo shoot within the first 10-14 days after birth, when the baby is most relaxed and sleepy.
  2. Location: Choose a comfortable and quiet location, such as your home or a studio.
  3. Props: Gather some props like blankets, hats, and toys to add a personal touch to the photos.
  4. Clothing: Dress the baby in simple, neutral-colored clothing that won't distract from the baby's face.

Tips for Taking Newborn Photos

  1. Use natural light: Take advantage of natural light by placing the baby near a window or outside during the golden hour (soft, warm light).
  2. Keep it simple: Avoid cluttered backgrounds and focus on the baby's face and body.
  3. Capture the details: Take close-up shots of the baby's hands, feet, and face to capture the tiny details.
  4. Experiment with angles: Try different angles, such as looking up at the baby or shooting from above.
  5. Be patient: Newborns can be unpredictable, so be prepared to wait for the perfect shot.
  6. Keep it calm: Avoid disturbing the baby or making sudden movements, which can cause them to cry or become fussy.
  7. Focus on the eyes: The eyes are the most important feature in a newborn photo, so make sure to capture them clearly.

Some Popular Newborn Photo Ideas

  1. The "S" pose: Place the baby on their side with their arms and legs curled up in an "S" shape.
  2. The "C" pose: Place the baby on their back with their arms and legs curled up in a "C" shape.
  3. The "T" pose: Place the baby on their stomach with their arms and legs stretched out in a "T" shape.
  4. The "Fetal position": Place the baby in a curled-up position, similar to how they were in the womb.
  5. The "Sleepy pose": Place the baby on their back or side with their eyes closed and a peaceful expression.


  1. Respect the baby's boundaries: Don't force the baby to pose or stay in a position that makes them uncomfortable.
  2. Keep the photo shoot short: Newborns can get tired and fussy, so keep the photo shoot short and sweet.
  3. Have fun: Enjoy this special moment with your new baby and capture the memories!

I hope these tips help you take amazing newborn photos!