New born baby hair

The adorable locks of a newborn baby!

Newborn baby hair is typically soft, fine, and often sparse. Here are some interesting facts about newborn baby hair:

  1. Lanugo: Newborn babies are born with a fine, downy hair called lanugo, which covers their body. This hair is usually shed within a few weeks after birth.
  2. Soft and fine: Newborn baby hair is incredibly soft and fine, often resembling silk or cotton. This is because the hair follicles are still developing and producing very fine hairs.
  3. Sparse: Newborn babies often have very little hair, especially on the head. This is because the hair growth cycle is still developing, and the hair follicles are still producing very fine hairs.
  4. Color: Newborn baby hair can be any color, from light blonde to dark brown. Some babies may have a reddish tint to their hair, which is due to the presence of a pigment called pheomelanin.
  5. Growth rate: Newborn baby hair grows very slowly, about 0.3 to 0.4 millimeters per day. This means that it can take several months for the hair to grow out and become thicker.
  6. Caring for newborn baby hair: To care for your newborn's hair, use gentle, fragrance-free products and avoid using heat styling tools or harsh chemicals. You can also use a soft, gentle brush or comb to gently detangle the hair.

Some fun facts about newborn baby hair:

Overall, newborn baby hair is a precious and adorable feature that is a part of the baby's unique charm.