New boondocks season 5

I'm afraid there's some bad news...

The Boondocks, an adult animated series created by Aaron McGruder, originally aired on Adult Swim from 2005 to 2014. The show consisted of four seasons, with the fourth season concluding in 2014.

Unfortunately, there has been no official announcement from Adult Swim or the creators about a new season of The Boondocks, including a Season 5. The show's creator, Aaron McGruder, has moved on to other projects, and the show's cast and crew have also pursued other endeavors.

However, there is some good news! In 2020, it was announced that a reboot of The Boondocks was in the works, with McGruder returning as the showrunner. The reboot, titled The Boondocks: The Return, is currently in production and is expected to premiere on HBO Max in the near future. While this is not a traditional new season, it will be a continuation of the series with new episodes and storylines.

So, while there may not be a new Season 5 of The Boondocks, fans of the show can look forward to the reboot, which promises to bring back the same irreverent humor and social commentary that made the original series so beloved.