New blue video

You're looking for a new video from Blue!

Blue is a British boy band that was formed in 2000 and rose to fame in the early 2000s with their pop-R&B sound and catchy songs. The group consists of Antony Costa, Duncan James, Lee Ryan, and Simon Webbe.

Here are a few of their popular songs:

  1. "All Rise" (2001)
  2. "Too Close" (2001)
  3. "If You Come Back" (2001)
  4. "Fly By II" (2002)
  5. "U Make Me Wanna" (2002)

As for new videos, Blue has been active in recent years, releasing new music and performing at various events. Here are a few of their more recent videos:

  1. "Hurt Lovers" (2019)
  2. "Don't Treat Me Like That" (2019)
  3. "Break My Heart" (2020)

You can find their official videos on YouTube or other music streaming platforms. Enjoy!