New black panther party

You're referring to the New Black Panther Party (NBPP), a political organization that was founded in 1989 by Aaron Michaels, a former member of the original Black Panther Party.

The NBPP is a black nationalist organization that seeks to promote the interests of African Americans and to address issues such as police brutality, racism, and economic inequality. The party is known for its militant rhetoric and its use of paramilitary uniforms and symbols, which have been criticized by some as being too confrontational and divisive.

The NBPP has been involved in various controversies over the years, including allegations of violence and intimidation against its opponents. In 2008, the party gained national attention when several of its members were arrested and charged with voter intimidation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Despite these controversies, the NBPP has also been involved in various community organizing and social justice efforts, including protests against police brutality and efforts to promote economic development in African American communities.

It's worth noting that the NBPP is not affiliated with the original Black Panther Party, which was founded in the 1960s by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The original Black Panther Party was a more radical organization that was known for its armed self-defense tactics and its advocacy of socialism and communism.