New black

"New Black" can refer to several things. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Fashion: "New Black" is a term used to describe a fashion trend that is considered trendy and stylish. It can refer to a specific style, color, or accessory that is currently popular.
  2. Music: "New Black" is also the title of a song by the American rock band, The Black Keys. The song was released in 2011 and features a blues-rock sound.
  3. Cultural movement: The "New Black" movement is a cultural and artistic movement that emerged in the 1960s and 1970s, characterized by a rejection of traditional European-American values and a celebration of African-American culture, identity, and heritage.
  4. Film: "New Black" is also the title of a 2014 film directed by Craig Ross Jr., which explores themes of identity, culture, and community.

If you could provide more context or clarify which "New Black" you are referring to, I'd be happy to help further!