New birth sermon

Here is a sample sermon on the topic of new birth:

Title: "Born Again: A New Beginning"

Text: John 3:1-8


Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut? Like you're going through the motions of life, but something is missing? Maybe you've tried to fix it with a new hobby, a new relationship, or a new job, but nothing seems to fill the void. Today, I want to talk to you about a concept that has the power to transform your life: new birth.

The Problem:

According to the Bible, we are all born with a sin nature. This means that we are all born with a tendency to disobey God and to rebel against His ways. This sin nature separates us from God and leads to all sorts of problems in our lives, from guilt and shame to fear and anxiety.

The Solution:

But the good news is that God has a solution to this problem. In John 3:1-8, we read about a conversation between Jesus and a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a respected leader in the Jewish community, but he was also a seeker of truth. He came to Jesus at night, under the cover of darkness, and asked him a question: "How can a man be born again?"

Jesus' response was simple yet profound: "You must be born again." He explained that just as a person must be physically born to enter the world, so too must we be spiritually born to enter the kingdom of God. This new birth is not just a matter of moral improvement or a change of behavior; it is a radical transformation that takes place at the very core of our being.

The Process:

So how does this new birth happen? According to Jesus, it happens through faith in Him. When we put our trust in Jesus Christ, we are born again. We are given a new heart, a new mind, and a new spirit. We are given a new identity as children of God, and we are given a new purpose in life.

The Results:

So what are the results of this new birth? For one thing, we are given a new sense of purpose and direction. We are no longer wandering aimlessly through life, trying to find our way. We are given a clear sense of God's will for our lives, and we are empowered to live out that will.

We are also given a new sense of peace and joy. We are no longer burdened by the weight of our sin and guilt. We are no longer anxious about the future or worried about what others think of us. We are free to live life to the fullest, knowing that we are loved and accepted by God.

The Challenge:

So what does this mean for us today? It means that we must be willing to surrender our old lives and our old ways of thinking. It means that we must be willing to trust in Jesus Christ and to follow Him, even when it's hard.

It means that we must be willing to be born again, to experience the radical transformation that only God can bring. And it means that we must be willing to share this message with others, to help them experience the same transformation that we have experienced.


In conclusion, the concept of new birth is not just a theoretical idea; it is a practical reality that can change our lives forever. It is a reminder that we are not just physical beings, but spiritual beings, created in the image of God. And it is a call to surrender our old lives and to trust in Jesus Christ, the one who can give us a new beginning.


Dear God, we thank you for the gift of new birth. We thank you for the opportunity to experience your love and your forgiveness. Help us to surrender our old lives and to trust in Jesus Christ. Help us to be born again, and to live out our new lives in obedience to your will. Amen.