New biafra flag

The Biafran flag is a symbol of the Biafran people and their struggle for independence and self-determination. The current flag of Biafra is a black star on a red background, with a white crescent moon and a green stripe at the bottom. The flag was designed in 1967, during the Nigerian Civil War, and has been used by the Biafran people ever since.

However, there have been some changes to the flag over the years. In 2015, the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), a separatist group, introduced a new flag that features a black star on a white background, with a red stripe at the bottom. This flag is also known as the "Biafran flag" and is used by some Biafran separatists.

It's worth noting that the use of the Biafran flag is a contentious issue, and some people in Nigeria and other countries view it as a symbol of separatism and rebellion.