New best logo

A new best logo! That's an exciting topic. Here are some of the latest and greatest logo designs that have made a splash in the design community:

  1. Google's New Logo (2015): A simplified, sans-serif font with a colorful, playful twist. The new logo is more versatile and adaptable across various platforms.
  2. Airbnb's New Logo (2014): A stylized letter "B" made up of tiny houses, symbolizing the platform's focus on community and travel.
  3. Instagram's New Logo (2016): A simplified, colorful camera icon that's more recognizable and scalable across different devices.
  4. Dribbble's New Logo (2019): A stylized, hand-drawn design that incorporates the brand's initials and a nod to the community's creative spirit.
  5. Spotify's New Logo (2015): A bold, colorful design that incorporates the brand's iconic green color and a nod to the music waveform.
  6. Dropbox's New Logo (2017): A simplified, sans-serif font with a subtle nod to the brand's cloud storage services.
  7. Uber's New Logo (2018): A bold, sans-serif font with a stylized "U" that's more modern and adaptable across various platforms.
  8. Lyft's New Logo (2019): A stylized, hand-drawn design that incorporates the brand's iconic pink color and a nod to the community's creative spirit.
  9. Pinterest's New Logo (2019): A simplified, sans-serif font with a stylized "P" that's more modern and adaptable across various platforms.
  10. TikTok's New Logo (2020): A stylized, colorful design that incorporates the brand's iconic red color and a nod to the community's creative spirit.

These logos have been praised for their simplicity, scalability, and ability to effectively communicate the brand's values and personality. Of course, the "best" logo is always subjective, but these designs have certainly made a significant impact in the design community.

What do you think about these logos? Do you have a favorite?