New believers series watchman nee pdf

The "New Believers Series" by Watchman Nee is a collection of books that provide guidance and instruction for new believers in Christ. Here are some of the books in the series, along with their PDF links:

  1. The Normal Christian Life (PDF): This book is an introduction to the Christian life and provides a comprehensive overview of the believer's relationship with God.
  2. Love Not the World (PDF): This book explores the theme of separation from the world and the importance of living a life that is pleasing to God.
  3. The Spiritual Man (PDF): This book is a study of the believer's spiritual life, including the importance of spiritual growth, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the battle against sin.
  4. The Kingdom of God (PDF): This book explores the theme of the kingdom of God and its relationship to the believer's life.
  5. The Finer Way (PDF): This book is a study of the believer's walk with God and the importance of living a life that is pleasing to Him.

You can download these PDFs from various online sources, including:

Please note that some of these books may be available in multiple formats, including EPUB, MOBI, and Kindle.