New batgirl

Exciting news! There's a new Batgirl in town!

In September 2021, DC Comics announced that a new Batgirl series would be launching, featuring a fresh take on the character. The new series is written by Ivan Cohen and illustrated by Alberto Foche.

Meet the new Batgirl: Barbara Gordon, the daughter of Commissioner James Gordon and the original Batgirl, Barbara Gordon (also known as Oracle). This new Barbara is a teenager who has grown up in the shadow of her mother's legendary crime-fighting career. She's determined to forge her own path and become a hero in her own right.

The new series promises to explore themes of identity, family, and the challenges of being a young hero in a world filled with supervillains. It's a great opportunity for readers to see a new perspective on the Batgirl character and to experience the excitement of a fresh start.

What do you think about the new Batgirl? Are you excited to see what this new series has in store?