New baby pix

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Here are some adorable baby pix for you:

Cute Baby Pictures

  1. Sleepy Time: A baby snuggled up in a blanket, fast asleep.
  2. Tiny Hands: A baby's tiny hands and feet, a reminder of their small size.
  3. First Smile: A baby's first smile, a precious moment to cherish.
  4. Baby's First Bath: A baby's first bath, a milestone moment.
  5. Cuddle Bug: A baby wrapped up in a blanket, ready for a cuddle.
  6. Little Lips: A baby's small, rosy lips, a reminder of their innocence.
  7. Tiny Toes: A baby's tiny toes, a reminder of their small size.
  8. Baby's First Haircut: A baby's first haircut, a milestone moment.
  9. Sweet Dreams: A baby sleeping peacefully, surrounded by soft toys.
  10. First Outing: A baby's first outing, a milestone moment.

Funny Baby Pictures

  1. Baby's First Fart: A baby's first fart, a hilarious moment.
  2. Tiny Tummy: A baby's tiny tummy, a reminder of their small size.
  3. Baby's First Laugh: A baby's first laugh, a joyful moment.
  4. Little Mess: A baby making a mess, a relatable moment.
  5. Baby's First Sneeze: A baby's first sneeze, a funny moment.
  6. Tiny Tongue: A baby's tiny tongue, a reminder of their small size.
  7. Baby's First Cough: A baby's first cough, a milestone moment.
  8. Little Arms: A baby's little arms, a reminder of their small size.
  9. Baby's First Yawn: A baby's first yawn, a sleepy moment.
  10. Tiny Feet: A baby's tiny feet, a reminder of their small size.

I hope these baby pix bring a smile to your face!