New audit report

Here is a sample new audit report:

Audit Report

Date: [Insert Date] Audit Period: [Insert Period] Auditor: [Insert Auditor's Name] Client: [Insert Client's Name]

Executive Summary:

This audit report presents the findings and recommendations of our audit of [Client's Name] for the period [Insert Period]. Our audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and focused on evaluating the effectiveness of the client's internal controls, financial reporting, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


The objectives of our audit were to:

  1. Evaluate the effectiveness of the client's internal controls over financial reporting.
  2. Assess the accuracy and completeness of the client's financial statements.
  3. Identify any material weaknesses or significant deficiencies in the client's internal controls.
  4. Determine whether the client's financial statements are presented fairly and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).

Scope and Methodology:

Our audit scope included an examination of the client's financial statements, as well as an evaluation of the effectiveness of their internal controls over financial reporting. We also conducted tests of transactions and balances, and reviewed the client's accounting policies and procedures.


Our audit findings are summarized below:

  1. Internal Controls: We identified several material weaknesses in the client's internal controls over financial reporting, including:
    • Inadequate segregation of duties.
    • Insufficient documentation of transactions.
    • Lack of independent review of financial statements.
  2. Financial Statements: We found that the client's financial statements were not presented fairly and in accordance with GAAP. Specifically:
    • The client failed to properly account for certain transactions.
    • The client did not adequately disclose certain liabilities.
  3. Compliance: We identified several instances of non-compliance with relevant laws and regulations, including:
    • Failure to file certain tax returns.
    • Failure to maintain adequate records.


Based on our findings, we recommend that the client take the following actions:

  1. Internal Controls: Implement a comprehensive internal control framework that includes segregation of duties, adequate documentation of transactions, and independent review of financial statements.
  2. Financial Statements: Correct the financial statements to accurately reflect the client's financial position and results of operations.
  3. Compliance: Take immediate action to correct the instances of non-compliance identified in this report.


In conclusion, our audit found several material weaknesses and significant deficiencies in the client's internal controls, financial statements, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. We recommend that the client take immediate action to address these issues to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their financial statements and to maintain compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Recommendations for Future Audits:

We recommend that the client consider the following for future audits:

  1. Internal Controls: Implement a comprehensive internal control framework that includes segregation of duties, adequate documentation of transactions, and independent review of financial statements.
  2. Financial Statements: Ensure that financial statements are presented fairly and in accordance with GAAP.
  3. Compliance: Maintain adequate records and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.


The following appendices are included with this report:


We hereby certify that this report is accurate and complete to the best of our knowledge and belief.


[Insert Auditor's Signature] [Insert Auditor's Name] [Insert Auditor's Title]


[Insert Date]