New apostolic hymns

The New Apostolic Church (NAC) is a Christian denomination that has its own hymnal, which is used in worship services and devotional practices. Here are some popular New Apostolic hymns:

  1. "Jesus, meine Zuversicht" (Jesus, My Hope) - a classic hymn of comfort and hope.
  2. "Ich bin ein Kind Gottes" (I Am a Child of God) - a hymn of identity and belonging.
  3. "Gott, wir danken dir" (God, We Thank You) - a hymn of gratitude and praise.
  4. "Jesus, mein Leben" (Jesus, My Life) - a hymn of devotion and surrender.
  5. "Kommt, lasst uns anbeten" (Come, Let Us Worship) - a hymn of invitation and worship.
  6. "Ich will dich preisen" (I Will Praise You) - a hymn of praise and adoration.
  7. "Gott, wir bitten dich" (God, We Ask You) - a hymn of prayer and petition.
  8. "Jesus, mein Retter" (Jesus, My Savior) - a hymn of salvation and redemption.
  9. "Ich bin bereit" (I Am Ready) - a hymn of preparation and consecration.
  10. "Gott, wir bitten dich um Frieden" (God, We Ask You for Peace) - a hymn of prayer for peace and harmony.

These hymns are often sung in German, as the NAC is a German-speaking denomination. However, many of these hymns have been translated into other languages, including English, and are used in NAC congregations around the world.

Here are some English translations of New Apostolic hymns:

  1. "Jesus, My Hope" (Jesus, meine Zuversicht)
  2. "I Am a Child of God" (Ich bin ein Kind Gottes)
  3. "We Thank You, God" (Gott, wir danken dir)
  4. "Jesus, My Life" (Jesus, mein Leben)
  5. "Come, Let Us Worship" (Kommt, lasst uns anbeten)
  6. "I Will Praise You" (Ich will dich preisen)
  7. "God, We Ask You" (Gott, wir bitten dich)
  8. "Jesus, My Savior" (Jesus, mein Retter)
  9. "I Am Ready" (Ich bin bereit)
  10. "God, We Ask You for Peace" (Gott, wir bitten dich um Frieden)

Please note that the translations may vary depending on the specific hymnal or publication used.