New apartment list

Here is a list of things to consider when moving into a new apartment:

Before Moving In:

  1. Lease agreement: Carefully read and understand the terms of your lease agreement, including rent, length of lease, and any penalties for breaking the lease.
  2. Security deposit: Understand the amount of the security deposit and how it will be returned when you move out.
  3. Rent: Confirm the rent amount, payment schedule, and any late fees.
  4. Utilities: Find out who is responsible for paying utilities such as electricity, water, and gas.
  5. Parking: If you have a car, find out if there is parking available and if there are any restrictions.
  6. Amenities: Take note of any amenities included in your rent, such as a gym, pool, or in-unit laundry.
  7. Noise level: Consider the noise level of the apartment and the surrounding area.
  8. Proximity to public transportation: If you rely on public transportation, find out how close the apartment is to bus and train stops.
  9. Safety features: Check if the apartment has safety features such as a security system, smoke detectors, and fire extinguishers.
  10. Maintenance: Find out who is responsible for maintenance and repairs in the apartment and building.

During Move-In:

  1. Inspect the apartment: Carefully inspect the apartment for any damage or issues and document them with photos and notes.
  2. Take inventory: Take an inventory of the apartment's contents, including any appliances, fixtures, and furniture.
  3. Check appliances: Test all appliances to ensure they are in working order.
  4. Check for pests: Check for any signs of pests, such as cockroaches or bed bugs.
  5. Check for leaks: Check for any signs of water leaks or damage.

After Move-In:

  1. Update your address: Update your address with the post office, banks, credit cards, and other relevant parties.
  2. Get familiar with the building: Get familiar with the building's rules, regulations, and emergency procedures.
  3. Meet your neighbors: Introduce yourself to your neighbors and try to get to know them.
  4. Keep the apartment clean: Keep the apartment clean and tidy to avoid any issues with your landlord.
  5. Report any issues: Report any issues or maintenance requests to your landlord in a timely manner.

Remember to also take care of any necessary paperwork, such as setting up utilities and internet in your name.